Thursday, April 12, 2012

Testing Season

Testing season is here! Believe it or not I love this season. I love the pressure and stress that testing season has. I know I am strange but to me it feels like an accomplishment and I look forward to it. This is the first year that I do not give the AIMS test instead I am giving the SAT 10 test. Same concept right? 
Our school's theme for promoting the testing season is: Race to the top. 
so here is our bulletin board. We are racing to the top grade. 

We are racing to the top grade. I have a hill where kids who have test taking tips on the shirt are racing up. As they are racing they are passing letter grades. For teachers it can symbolize the labels school's get and to students their academic or test grade. I had a couple of cheerleaders, encouraging signs, and a couple of my students strategies for solving problems. On the top of the hill there is a kid with books and a sign that says I did it A+. 
 My students enjoyed brainstorming and creating their person. Most importantly they enjoyed the final product. 


  1. Hi! I LOVE your bulletin board! I'm sure it motivates children to get better grades. I also shared your page with my fans at :)

  2. Anonymous8/08/2012

    I like your board I have a box top idea I'm going to do and use some ideas from your board. Thanks. I'm your newest follower. If you get a chance visit my blog Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.
