Thursday, October 5, 2017

Tech Tip Thursday

As a teacher, we usually send our weekly updates, mass emails, or event notifications to all the classroom parents.

Usually, when sending these mass emails all of the parents' emails are part of the email giving access to confidential information to others. As the emails are listed in the "TO" line.

The problem with doing this is that all parents have access to each other's emails, parents can send an email by hitting "reply all" and emailing all parents creating a massive email. Not only that but some parents have issues with privacy and do not want their email given to anyone.

Scenario why not to use "TO" when sending an email to a group of parents: 

Let's say Billy's Mom had a problem with Jose's Mom because Billy and Jose cannot get along during recess and Billy has been getting in trouble. Billy's mom can look at the email you sent and get the email for Jose's mom. Billy's mom keeps on sending non-stop emails to Jose's mom and she is blaming you for the harassment she has been receiving in the email.

How can you avoid this:
By listing all the parents' email under the "BCC" line. By doing this, all the recipients will receive the email, but they can not see who else got the email nor "reply all" they can only reply to the sender.

To use "BCC" when emailing click on the "BCC" line and start typing the group of email addresses that you would like to send to.

When the recipient receives the email they see an empty "To" line.

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